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[Video] European Trade Agreements – 2019: Death of the Swan

Interview: Marie-Hélène Caillol, President of LEAP2020

Brexit seemed to have opened up the long-awaited project of redefining the functioning and objectives of the European machine. But today Brussels prefers to boast about the UK’s difficulties, and, thinking of itself as unavoidable, it is undertaking to unearth all its bottom drawer projects. Hence, over the heads of the citizens, a whole bunch of “CETA like” trade agreements (Japan, Mercosur, and soon New Zealand, Australia…) are being passed, for the sake of a ‘gaping globalisation’ ideology which makes everyone flee, as well as a forced march towards an ultra-risky integration of the Balkans is being trigerred, ignoring peoples and not showing the slightest reference to any democratic process. Our team believes this European ‘hysteria’ is a swan song; both the creator and the announcer of the violent halt to be imposed on the central European institution by the up-coming legislative body from 2019 on…

Read more in the GEAB 122 / Feb. 2018

About Marie Hélène

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