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Tag Archives: anticipation

Conférence – Inventons le monde d’après (Grenoble, 1er juillet)

La présidente de LEAP, Marie-Hélène Caillol, participera à la table ronde “Inventons le monde d’après” qui se tiendra jeudi 1er juillet dans le cadre de la 24ème édition du Forum 5i (Innovation, Industrie, Inclusion, Investissement, International) organisé par la Métropole de Grenoble (FR). Elle y présentera l’analyse développée dans le ...

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Doing Business in 2025: A handbook for students and schools to make the most of the billions of jobs in sight! under the direction of MH Caillol (GEAB N°154, excerpt)

Under the direction of Marie-Hélène Caillol, the second years of the International BBA of INSEEC-Paris applied the principles of anticipation and collective intelligence along an exercice of exploration of the future on the subject of  “Doing Business in 2025”. Here is a synthetic version of their report. The year 2025 is ...

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(Français) GEAB TV – Digging into the future with Swinkels & Caillol #3

This month’s Digging into the Future envisions the risks of systemic heat up as the economy will reboot. We therefore wonder if the old Western-centered system will survive an ill-prepared restart of activity. Inflation and hyperinflation risks, rising commodity prices, soaring debt and ballooning budgets, related social and geopolitical tensions… ...

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GEABTV – Digging into the Future with Swinkels and Caillol #2

This second edition of LEAP’s new youtube broadcast “Digging into the Future” discusses the 34 TRENDS 2021 detailed in the January GEAB. Swinkels and Caillol focus particularly on the information crisis and gaping divide between citizens and their leaders that convey huge dangers. The US is another sticking point on ...

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VIDEO – Is European defence dead already ?

Is the EU about to give up any project of strategic independence in favour of a NATO-centred defence system ? If so what would be the consequences on countries most attached to an independent continental defence such as France ? What would be the consequences on Europe’s foreign relations ? ...

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November GEAB – Europe and the next wave of crises

The GEAB is a crisis bulletin, but our team of researchers often explores how the system is being mended and reinvented. Not in this issue entirely dedicated to anticipating the giga-crises that the final period of systemic transition promises. Europe is at the centre of this exercise of observation of ...

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