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November GEAB – From chaos to resilience

Chaos theory is very useful to bear in mind in times of systemic transition such as the one the world has been going through for the past twenty years or so. In the analysis of this global crisis that has been on us for 14 years, one of the question is to define when the new system can be considered to emerge and a stabilization process can be set in motion. This precise “moment” is difficult to determine because of course the two systems overlap, just like the chaotic phase and the beginning of the stabilization phase overlap. This month’s issue of LEAP’s confidential letter addresses on the one hand a subject characteristic of the ultimate phases of a “regime” end: the “revolutionary” phase increasingly affecting the planet; and on the other hand anticipates the implementation of a brand new mechanism for the distribution/circulation of the economy’s “blood”, money, from 2020. These two illustrations of the systemic transition process fuel the idea that the stabilization phase begins next year. The bulletin concludes with a series of particularly detailed/argumented policy recommendations for oil/gas, based on an analysis of the impact of ARAMCO’s long-awaited IPO, another end-of-age symptom; with advice on gold and crypto-currencies.
Read/Subscribe to LEAP’s confidential letter, the GEAB.

Detailed summary :

Global systemic crisis – 2020: The beginning of the stabilisation phase

The anger of the people: “It’s politics, Stupid!”

Digital Euro: From Eurozone to Eurozon.com 

Investments, trends and recommendations (Nov 2019)


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