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Romania – Multi-level governance or still governing?

{ {{{Regionalisation and/during enlargement in Romania Is the young „regional structure“ challenging the centrality of the Romanian state?}}} } The transition from a highly centralised political-administrative system to a decentralised and regionalised one is not happening very smoothly or rapidly in Romania. Triggered rather by the enlargement process than by ...

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International Education : the only cement for any Transatlantic Bridge

{{Think of this seemingly stupid sentence :‘the world is getting globalized!’. It does contain something not stupid though as it is true that in today’s world all local issues are now interconnected. From Irak’s war to jobs outsourcing, from scientific research to religious trends, everything happening on our small planet ...

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After Iraq: Can We Build a Better World ?

A year after the Iraq war, even if the analysis of how to tackle the problems diverge wildly, the good news is that most Europeans and Americans can probably agree that: . There are still numerous threats to global security . The existing global institutions are not able to meet ...

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Seminar GlobalEurope 3 / EU-CIS

{ {{Organised in partnership with the Diplomatic Academy of Poland }} } [Seminar’s executive summary->http://www.europe2020.org/spip/spip.php?article212&lang=en] {{ {{{Concept}}} }} After the enlargement Russia will become an important direct neighbour of the European Union. Though this situation represents no change at all for the majority of new members which historically have always ...

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Middle East 2020 : the region which needs two ‘dreams’

Two years ago, at the first [Miami Transatlantic Week->http://www.tiesweb.org/transatlantic_week/index.htm], participants and speakers from two sides of the Atlantic declared that it was time for both European and American civil societies to help Arabs and Israelis to build up a peaceful and democratic Middle East. In following months, almost every Transatlantic ...

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Middle East 2020 : the region which needs two ‘dreams’

Two years ago, at the first [Miami Transatlantic Week->http://www.tiesweb.org/transatlantic_week/index.htm], participants and speakers from two sides of the Atlantic declared that it was time for both European and American civil societies to help Arabs and Israelis to build up a peaceful and democratic Middle East. In following months, almost every Transatlantic ...

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What common EU policy towards North America by 2020?

{ {{{ « The transatlantic future is not what it used to be »}}} } This sentence perfectly qualifies the richness and quality of the contributions and discussions that took place in the framework of the 2nd GlobalEurope 2020 session held in The Hague at the beautiful premises of the ...

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Russia’s European Policy in the light of eastern enlargement

In contrast to Putin’s internal policies, Russia’s foreign policy on the European front is, to a greater extent, reactive and is not supported by a coherent strategy. The foreign policy has also been situational; an illustrative example of this could be the anti-war axis between Paris-Berlin-Moscow. Moreover, for the last ...

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