Home / Home / Accueil / How Nigel plans to Trump the EU out of existence whilst Boris and Vladimir give a helping hand , by Adrian Taylor

How Nigel plans to Trump the EU out of existence whilst Boris and Vladimir give a helping hand , by Adrian Taylor

Many Europeans have never understood Nigel Farage. His objective was never just Brexit. His real ambition is the collapse of the European Union.

Enter (soon to be) President Trump. He celebrated Brexit as “a great thing”. He has also repeatedly said he will “Appoint tough and smart trade negotiators to fight on behalf of American workers”. So how is he going to get those better deals and prove to his voters that he is doing business better? By picking a fight with China? No, rather on the advice of his friend Nigel, it will be by playing European countries off, one against the other.

The EU is, after all, a very easy target for a clever business man with a flair for the deal. President Trump will start by promising to strike a major new free trade with the UK just as soon as it has left the EU. The message will be clear: dump the EU, and you will get preferential treatment…

This article was written by Adrian Taylor for our FranckBiancheriNetwork. Read the complete article here!

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