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April 5
1st GlobalEurope II seminar in Washington, in partnership with the European Institute, the French Embassy and the German Embassy: Présentation/Discussion of/ on the conclusions of the GlobalEurope 2020 seminar in The Hague on “What future common EU policy towards North America? ”

April 28
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Soissons: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with JCE des Pays de l’Aisne

April 28
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Blois: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Fédération des Associations Etudiantes de Blois

April 30
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Bourville: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with ACEP


May 9
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Auch: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Université du Temps Libre d’Auch

May 9
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Sceaux: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Scouts et Guides de France de Sceaux

May 12
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Digne: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with JCE du Pays Dignois

May 12
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Paris 12°: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Salons de l’Aveyron

May 13
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Fougerolles du Plessis: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Association de Jumelage et d’Echanges internationaux de Fougerolles de Plessis

May 13
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Villeneuve sur Lot: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with JCE de Villeneuve

May 14
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Paris 11°: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with EUSAF

May 14
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in St Cyr en Val: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Génération Ecologie-Centre

May 17
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Biarritz: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with JCE du Pays Basque

May 17
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in St Brieuc: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Blanc c’est Exprimé

May 18
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Paris 17°: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Dirigeantes et Carrefour des Républicains Humanistes

May 19
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Toury: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Maison des Jeunes de Toury

May 19
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in St Jean de Fos: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Comité Intercommunal Aniane-Gignac pour un Non de gauche

May 23
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Valence: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Association Valentinoise des Etudiants (AVE)

May 26
The “Marathon Démocratique de la Constitution” in Auvers-sur-Oise: Contradictory debate on the European Constitution organised in partnership with Jeunes UDF du Val d’Oise


October 5
2nd GlobalEuropeII seminar in Moscow, in partnership with the National Investment Council: Presentation/Discussion of/on the conclusions of the GlobalEurope2020 seminar in Warsaw on “What future common EU policy towards the CEI?”



28 Janvier :
Tenue du 2ème séminaire GlobalEurope 2020 à La Haye (Institut Clingendael) en partenariat avec le Ministère néerlandais des Affaires étrangères, sur le thème : «Quelle politique commune UE-Amérique du Nord ?»


12 Mars :
Tenue du 3ème séminaire GlobalEurope 2020 à Varsovie (Palais Foksal) en partenariat avec l’Académie Diplomatique de Pologne, sur le thème : «Quelle politique commune UE-Russie ? »


26 – 30 Avril:
Miami Week 2004 à Miami – Floride, USA, organisé par TIESWeb en partenariat avec Europe 2020 et Newropeans Networks, sur le thème : « Refonder les Relations Transatlantiques pour le XXIème siècle: Repenser le point de vue des citoyens”‘Conférence Transatlantique des relais d’opinion »


5 Mai :
Tenue du 4ème séminaire GlobalEurope 2020 à Bruxelles (Palais d’Egmont) en partenariat avec le Ministère belge des Affaires étrangères, sur le thème : «Quelle politique commune de UE-Afrique ? »


9 Juillet :
Tenue du 5ème séminaire GlobalEurope 2020 à Lisbonne (Centre Culturel de Belem) en partenariat avec le Ministère portugais des Affaires étrangères, sur le thème : «Quelle politique commune UE-Amérique latine ? »


29 Septembre :
Tenue du 6ème séminaire GlobalEurope 2020 à Londres (Foreighn Office – Salle Locarno) en partenariat avec le Foreign & Commonwealth Office, sur le thème : «Quelle politique commune UE-Asie ?»


22 Octobre :
Organisation des Grands Prix Newropeans 2004 : “Les citoyens récompensent ceux qui les rapprochent de l’Europe” à Paris

26-27 Octobre :
Séance Finale GlobalEurope 2020 (7ème séminaire) à Helsinki (Finlandia Hall) en partenariat avec le Ministère finlandais des Affaires étrangères, sur le thème : « Voisinage, Réforme de l’ONU, Ressources humaines et Légitimité démocratique »


10-12 Décembre:
Participation au Premier Forum des Think-Tanks européens à Lyon, organisé par Aspen Institute sur le thème : « Europe 2005-2025: Visions et Contributions des Think Tanks : L’Union européenne peut-elle être plus démocratique ? »

23-24-25 Décembre:
Euronews/Agora – Débat Biancheri-Bhatt sur les défis de l’Europe post-Constitution



Holding of the following NDM conferences :

. Perugia, January 8th
. Todi, January 9th
. Foligno, January 10th
. Terni, January 11th
. Breda, January 20th


Holding of the following NDM conferences:

. Utrecht, February 3rd
. Paris, February 4th
. Sceaux, February 6th
. Dunkerque, February 11th
. Ljubljana, February 14th
. Hermagor, February 18th
. Arriach, February 19th
. Villach, February 20th
. Salzburg, February 21st
. Francfort, February 24th
. Francfort, February 25th
. Nancy, February 26th
. Offenburg, February 27th
. Münich, February 28th

February 25th:
Eurorings 3 seminar, in partnership with Stadt Frankfurt

February 28th:
Conference on Transatlantic relations starring Gary Geipel and Franck Biancheri, organised by CAP-München


Holding of the following NDM conferences:

. Bucharest, March 3rd
. Cluj, March 4th
. Falticeni, March 5th
. Cannes, March 17th
. Avignon, March 18th
. Marseille, March 19th
. Perpignan, March 20th
. Amiens, March 25th
. Gent, March 27th
. Tournai, March 28th


Holding of the following NDM conferences:

. Assise, April 1st
. Rome, April 7th
. Rome, April 9th
. Ancona, April 10th
. Naples, April 12th
. Berlin, April 16th
. Potsdam, April 17th
. Amadora, April 21st
. Evora, April 22nd
. Lisbon, April 23rd
. Plasencia, April 25th
. Cuacos de Yuste, April 25th
. Hervas, April 25th
. Varsovie, April 28th
. Czestochowa, April 29th
. Lodz, April 30th

Franck Biancheri is elected one of the « 20 Heroes » of the year by the readers of Amarican Magazine TIME, along personalities such as: Nelson Mandela, Vaclav Havel, Tony Blair, le Pope Jean-Paul 2, Jacques Chirac, Zineddine Zidane.


Holding of the following NDM conferences:

. Chania, May 2nd
. New-York, May 5th
. Cap d’Ail, May 7th
. Saint Pierre de Féric, May 8th
. Tampere, May 9th
. Helsinki, May 10th
. Klagenfurt, May 13th
. Vienne, May 13th
. Graz, May 14th
. Ljutomer, May 15th
. Gödöllö, May 16th
. Budapest, May 16th
. Novi Sad, May 17th
. Zsambek, May 19th
. Sofia, May 20th
. Plovdiv, May 21st
. Komotimi, May 21st
. Chantilly, May 23rd
. Klaipeda, May 27th
. Tallinn, May 28th
. Tartu, May 29th
. Malpils, May 30th
. Riga, May 30th
. Valmiera, May 31st


Holding of the following NDM conferences:

. Cardiff, June 3rd
. Southampton, June 4th
. Paris, June 11th
. Copenhague, June 17th
. Porto, June 26th
. Setubal, June 27th
. Vigo, June 29th
. Santiago de Compostella, June 29th


Holding of the following NDM conferences:

. Paris, July 2nd
. London, July 3rd
. Cologne, July 8th
. Bonn, July 9th
. Bruxelles, July 10th
. Bergneustadt, July 13th


Launching of new anticipation cycle: « GLOBALEUROPE 2020 »

Holding of the following NDM conferences:

. Prague, September 11th
. Broumov, September 12th
. Paris, September 17th


October 14th:
Holding of first GlobalEurope 2020 seminar in Paris (Kleber Centre) in partnership with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairsand with the support of Ms Noëlle Lenoir, Minister in charge of European Affairs, on the theme: «Towards a common policy of the EU with the Arab world by 2020»

October 18th:
Participation to the Second National Meeting of Christian elected representatives, organised by ACEP in Paris (National Assembly), and speech delivered by Franck Biancheri in the workshop “Politicians – our reasons to hope”

October 18th-19th:
Newropeans 2003 Congress: Organisation of Newropeans Democracy Marathon’s closing congress (Paris)

October 18th:
Newropeans Grands Prix Award Ceremony (Paris)


November 12th:
Launch of Newropeans Magazine, first online European magazine edited in French and English (50/50, not translated)

November 27th:
Europe2020/TIES debate on « The future of the European Union and of Transatlantic Relations » starring Franck Biancheri, on the occasion of a “Thanksgiving Holiday Congressionnal Trip” and in presence of guests of honor: officials from US Congress and Administration (Paris)



January 25th:
2nd seminar of the “Europe 2020 / Candidate-States ” training cycle to political anticipation, Budapest
– Organised in partnership with the Foundation of European Studies in Budapest
– With the support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and of the Europe Commission
– And with the collaboration of the French Embassy in Budapest


February 4th:
” EU/Gouvernance 2020 ” Anticipation Seminar: ” Enlargement in a post-Euro EU: Assessing the new politicam factors”, Paris (Kleber Centre of International Conferences)
– Organised with the support of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of European Affairs


March 22nd:
3rd seminar of the “Europe 2020 / Candidate-States ” training cycle to political anticipation, Bucharest
– Organised in Partnership with Universitatea Româna-Americana
– And with the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest
– And with the collaboration of the French Embassy in Bucharest

March 25th-26th:
Europe 2020 chairs one of the 5 seminars of the Conference on ” Communicating the Enlargement ” organised in The Hague by the Dutch and British Ministries of Foreign Affairs.


April 6th :
4th seminar of the “Europe 2020 / Candidate-States ” training cycle to political anticipation”, Istanbul
– Organised by Club Prometheus-Istanbul and Europe 2020
– In partnership with Bogazici University and Bahcesehir University
– And with the the collaboration of the French Consulate in Istanbul.

April 7th:
Conference : ” Turkey 2020 “, Istanbul
– Organised by Club Sciences-Po of Galatsaray University and Europe 2020
– And with the the collaboration of the French Consulate in Istanbul

April 15th:
Launch of Euroring Project: Seminaire ” Euro-Ring 1″ – Consequences of EU’s new political constraints on the European institutional geography: Towards the emergence of a Euro-Ring at the hub of the Network of European Capitals? “, Paris (Hôtel de Ville)
– Organised with the support of the City of Paris.

April 25th:
Publication of the first issue of T.R.E.E.S (Transnational Review of European Enlargement Studies): Monthly electronic newsletter on enlargement-related papers


May 10th-12th:
Europe 2020 contributes to a seminar on “Internet voting and European elections”, organised in Florence by the European University

May 16th:
” EU/Gouvernance 2020 ” Anticipation Seminar: ” Reforming the Council today for a better re-organisation of the European institutions tomorrow”, Paris (Kleber Centre of International Conferences)
– Organised with the support of the French Ministries of European and Foreign Affairs


June 3rd:
Europe 2020 contributes to a seminar on ” Governance and Technology ” organised in The United-States by the Hudson Institute

June 17th:
Publication of the strategic document: ” Vision Europe 2020 : Re-inventing Europe 2005-2020 ” and announcement of the ” Newropeans Democracy Marathon ” event, presentation/debate of the document in 100 towns from September 2002 to June 2003.
Launch of Europe 2020’s website – Version 3.


Launching of Newropeans Democracy Marathon:
Starting of call for partners campaign (dozens of thousands of emails sent out all over Europe)


October 28th:
Holding of the first NDM conference in Paris, in partbership with Convergence Républicaine


Congress « Reshaping Transatlantic relations for the 21st century : the citizens’ perspectives”, organized by TIESWeb, in partnership with Europe 2020, in Miami (USA)

Holding of the following NDM conferences:

. Amsterdam in partnership with Felix Meritis, AMSU and VDE, November 20th
. The Hague, November 22nd
. Hannover, November 30th

November 22nd:
Eurorings 2 seminar, in partnership with the City of The Hague


Holding of the following NDM conferences:

. Münster, December 2nd
. Antwerp, December 3rd
. Rennes, December 9th
. San Remo, December 10th
. Perinaldo, December 11th
. Nice, December 20th



Launch of the new EUROPE 2020 website

January 16th:
Bruges, Belgium – Franck Biancheri will speak for the students of the Bruges College on the theme “How to train future European decision-makers?”.


Launching of the first Europe 2020 Virtual Seminar : ” Euro-Risk 2002 : What are the national and European political risks related to the Europe introduction ? “, www.europe2020.org Europe 2020 tests a new method of debate, open, still focused on anticipation, but enabling a larger number of partners to take part or follow the debates.

Launching of the Newropeans News Service on www.europe2020.org The first online service of general information on Europe.


Second Virtual Seminar : ” Transatlantic 2020 – Building new bridges or new blocs ?”.

Third Virtual Seminar : “EU Democratisation: The conditions of success for the setting up of a public debate on the future of Europe “.

March 29th:
Anticipation Seminar: ” Transatlantic 2020 – Building new bridges or new blocs ?”, Atlanta, USA – In collaboration with the European Union Centre of the University System of Georgia, and with Tiesweb (Transatlantic Information Exchange Service).


Launching of the ” EU-CEEC relations 2020 ” platform of information and debate.

April 6th:
Anticipation Seminar : ” EU Democratisation: The conditions of success for the setting up of a public debate on the future of Europe “, Paris (Centre International de Conférences Kléber) – With the support of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and of the French Minister delegate to European Affairs, Pierre Moscovici.


Launching of Euro-Switch Watch on www.europe2020.org The platform of follow-up and analysis of the evolution of the European public opinion regarding the Euro.


October 5th:
Anticipation Seminar : ” EU Democratisation: Which political message in Laeken and how to make it heard ?J “, Paris (Centre International de Conférences Kléber) – With the support of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and of the French Minister delegate to European Affairs, Pierre Moscovici.


November 13th:
Workshop : ” Preparing Europe’s Future – The contribution of the Commission’s White Book on Governance “, Brussels – Organised in collaboration with the Centre for European Integration Studies (ZEI) of Bonn, and in co-operation with the Representation of North Rhine Westphalia to the EU in Brussels.

November 26th:
Launch of the weekly Press Review Rais / Euromed 2020

November 30th:
1st session of the « Europe 2020 / Candidate-States » training cycle to political anticipation, Prague. Organised in partnership with hte Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and in collaboration with the French Embassy in Prague


Official launch of Club Europe 2020 Serivices, « A priviledged access to the contents, networks and services of the builders of tomorrow’s Europe » – First registrations

December 10th:
Debate : ” Ten years after Maastricht, are the citizens any closer to the European project ?”, Strasbourg
Starring Mssrs Baron-Crespo, Lamassoure, Cohn-Bendit and Biancheri.
– A debate organised by La Semaine de l’Europe, Europe 2020, Fenêtre sur l’Europe



January 13th-14th:
Third seminar : “Towards a common democracy : in which conditions can the EU system generate a mobilizing political project in the coming decade ? “, The Hague – with the support of the European Commission and of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Franco-German seminar
Europe 2020 contributes to the Franco-German high-lvel seminar on the future of European democracy, organised by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Berlin).


June 8th-9th:
Fourth seminar : “Which geo-political environment for the EU in the next 20 years ?”, London – with the support of the European Commission and of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in partnership with the International Institute for Strategic Studies of London (IISS).


July 10th:
Closing Conference of the Anticipation Process ” Managing the EU in 2020 ” : ” Managing the transition “, Brussels – with the support of the European Commission and of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee (ESC)..


Conference ‘Training Future Global Business Leaders’, Washington
Europe 2020 is invited to contribute to the first American conference entitled ‘Training Future Global Business Leaders’, gathering dozens of North American universities and officials from the US administration.


October 5th-6th-7th:
Founding-Partner of the ‘NEWROPEANS 2000’ Congress, Paris, Université de la Sorbonne/Négocia/Société Nationale d’Horticulture/Ecole Militaire/Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers.

London: Annual Conference – EUCEN (European Continuing Education Network). Franck Biancheri is invited as ‘keynote speaker’ in the annual conference of EUCEN to present the question of ” How to train future European decision-makers?” to an audience of European specialists in vocational training.
Myrtle Beach, USA – Conference on ‘New Trends in Global Management’ Franck Biancheri is invited in the US as ‘keynote speaker’ to present the question of “How to train future global decision-makers?”during the annual conference on future management trends which gathered academics and specialists from a hundred North-American Universities.


Brussels – Audition by the Task Force on Governance of the European Commission
Franck Biancheri is auditioned by the Task Force on Education in charge of preparing the White Book on Governance scheduled Summer 2001. Franck Biancheri is required on the whole of the project of White Boo and on its ends. His advise will be particularly required on questions relating to “networking”, democratisation, relations between the European Commission and its operational partners – civil society in particular, and political project. He insists on the proximity of a major European crisis catalysed by the introduction of the Euro, a situation that reinforces the urgency in reforming governance in the EU.

Budapest, Hungary – Speech of Franck Biancheri – in presence of the Hungarian President – at the opening of the Conference “EU-Hungary: Civil Society 2000″, organised by the European House of Budapest.



Invited by DG X (Culture), in the framework of their « Thursdays of Communication », Europe 2020 addresses over a hundred European Commission’s officials on the « New environment of the European institutions in terms of communication ».


April 22nd-23rd:
Inaugural seminar of the Anticipation Process ” Managing the EU in 2020 ” : ” How to manage the EU in 2020 ? “, Kleber Centre, Paris, with the support of the European Commission and of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


October 6th-7th:
Second seminar : ” How to set up a European administrative network ? “, Bonn – with the support of the European Commission and of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in partnership with the Centre for European Integration Studies of Bonn (ZEI)


June 1998 – March 1999

Series of dinner-debates in Brussels on the theme ” Europe ‘s future by 2020 “, with different general directors of the European Commission (Mr Landaburu, Mr Büghardt, Mr Micossi, Mr Prat), and Mr Lamassoure (EMP) and Mr Bernicot (member of the European Court of Auditors).

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