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About Us

Laboratoire européen d’Anticipation Politique / Europe 2020
 Europe 2020 is a website dedicated to European political anticipation. Developed in partnership with many different organisations including research centres and individual researchers, Europe 2020 website aims at promoting research in the field of European political anticipation and at circulating widely results of this research.

Simultaneously, Europe 2020 website provides support to innovating initiatives aimed at upgrading the European Union’s capacity to face 21st century challenges, namely:

. Democratisation of the European Union

. Invention of a commion external policy (in particular, contents developed by GlobalEurope 2020)

. Prospective analysis of the global systemic crisis

Europe 2020 website’s most striking features are:

1. it is the first European website of political anticipation, independent from any government, lobby, parti…

2. it operates in partnership with a large number of civil society organisations, companies, NGOs, and European and national public administrations (national Ministries of foreign affairs, European institutions, research centres); and from other continents.

3. it is rooted in the analyses, methods and expectations of the new generations of Europeans (born after the Treaty of Rome)

4. theoretical input is turned into action as it actively supports many large-scale events.

Europe 2020 website has developed four fields of intervention:

INFORMATION: Elements for a public debate in Europe

- Europe 2020 Press Reviews

REFLEXION: Anticipation in the service of European decision-making

- High-level anticipation seminars

- Anticipation papers

- Reports, Executive summaries

- Monthly confidential letter (GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin – on subscription)

DEBATE: Articulation between citizens, « experts » and institutions

Actions conducted in partnership with citizen-based organisations

TRAINING: Preparing for tomorrow’s European human resources

- Training Seminars to Political anticipation (namely in new member-states)

- Specific training programmes : political anticipation, networking, innovation (enquiries:

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