GEAB TV – Digging into the future with Swinkels & Caillol #3

L’émission Digging into the Future de ce mois envisage les risques de surchauffe du système alors que l’économie va redémarrer. Nous nous demandons si l’ancien système centré sur l’Occident survivrait à un redémarrage mal préparé de l’activité. Les risques d’inflation et d’hyperinflation, la hausse des prix des matières premières, l’envolée ...

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GEABTV – Digging into the Future with Swinkels and Caillol #2

This second edition of LEAP’s new youtube broadcast “Digging into the Future” discusses the 34 TRENDS 2021 detailed in the January GEAB. Swinkels and Caillol focus particularly on the information crisis and gaping divide between citizens and their leaders that convey huge dangers. The US is another sticking point on ...

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VIDEO – Is European defence dead already?

Is the EU about to give up any project of strategic independence in favour of a NATO-centred defence system ? If so what would be the consequences on countries most attached to an independent continental defence such as France ? What would be the consequences on Europe’s foreign relations ? ...

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GEAB TV – Digging into the future with Swinkels & Caillol #1

LEAP launches a new format, the monthly “Digging into the future with Swinkels and Caillol” video-casts. These videos are aimed at providing a framework for discussing topics picked by Veronique Swinkels in each new GEAB edition. CyberJungle, Amazon Rainforest, rogue wave crises hitting Europe… were the subjects chosen for this ...

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