Home / Europe 2020 / Seminar EU-Governance 2020 / Enlargement in a post-Euro EU: Estimating the new political factors

Seminar EU-Governance 2020 / Enlargement in a post-Euro EU: Estimating the new political factors


Paris (Centre Kléber), February 4, 2002


Organised with the support of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs And of Mr Pierre Moscovici, French Minister in charge of European Affairs

Seminar’s executive summary


This seminar takes place as part of the series of the EU / Governance 2020 Anticipation Seminars which were initiated in 1999 (organized within the EU) ; referring also to the new cycle of EU / Candidate Countries Anticipation Seminars launched in 2000 (organized in the CEECs). With the message of Laeken, the launch of the Convention, and above all with the effective Euro-launch for the citizens of the EU, it is clear that a new era of the European construction is now open. Once the Euro has been set up, the only great project remaining from those initiated in the 90’s is the enlargement. It is indeed a political and moral need for the EU; and a crucial expectation for the candidate-countries. Moreover, year 2002 will certainly be a turning-point in this wide-ranging process of unification of the continent. However, contrary to the Euro which had been endowed with a clear calendar accepted by everyone (as a result of important public debates, and even sometimes referenda), enlargement has no precise deadlines acknowledged by all parties, and has not given matter to any public debate in the EU yet (except for Ireland, among other themes on the occasion of the Nice Treaty refusal).

On the other hand, the post-Euro EU in which we now live, seems to be characterized by new political factors, some of which are already visible in the media and in some citizen behaviours :

1. the clear difference made between EuroLand and the EU (a reinforced duality for the EU itself)

2. the growing worry concerning the political dimension of European integration, as opposed to its economic and monetary construction

3. the growing interest of the citizens for the ” European public thing ” since the Euro has arrived

4. the new awareness among many opinion relays that the message of Laeken indicates a great uncertainty on the part of the European common leadership when it comes to the next stages of the European construction.

These factors, as well as others which will appear in the course of the coming months, will certainly have an impact on the process of enlargement.


8.30 – 9.00: Registration of the participants

9.00 – 10.00: OPENING SESSION

. Opening speech, a representative of the Minister in charge of European Affairs, Paris

. Introduction to the debate, by Mr Franck Biancheri, Director of Research and Strategy, Europe 2020

. Update on the preparation of the informal Council of the Spanish Presidency, by Mr Raul Bartolome Molina, Councellor at the Spanish Embassy in Paris

. Assessment of the Belgian Presidency as to enlargement, by Mr Bart Ouvry, Councellor at the Belgian Embassy in Paris


10.00 – 10.45: Impact of the Eurolaunch on the relation citizen-EU Introduction to the debate by Mr Olivier Ferrand, Advisor, Prime Minister’s Cabinet, Paris

10.45 – 11.00: Break

11.00 – 11.45: Consequences of the message of Laeken / Possible impact of the Convention on enlargement

Introduction to the debate by Mrs Ulrike Guérot, Head of EU Unit, DGAP, Berlin

11.45 – 12.30: The evolution of public opinions in the Candidate-Countries

Introduction to the debate by Mr Gabor Nagy, Vice-President Europe 2020, Judge, Ministry of Justice, Budapest

12.30 – 13.15: The evolution of public opinions in the EU Introduction to the debate by a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ireland

13.15 – 14.30: Lunch


14.30 – 15.15: Level of political ripeness of the EU in the perspective of enlargement

Introduction to the debate by Mr Stelios Christopoulos, DG Development, European Commission

15.15 – 16.00: The three scenarios of enlargement and their probability rates

Introduction to the debate by Mr Franck Biancheri, Director of Research and Strategy, Europe 2020

16.00 – 16.15: Break

16.15 – 17.30: Debate and conclusions


. Mümin Alanat, Director General, DG for the European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara

. Cornel Alecse, Ambassade de Roumanie à Paris

. Mladen Andrliae, Ambassador, Assistant-Ministrer, Director of the Diplomatic Academy, Zaghreb

. Raul Bartolome Molina, Conseiller diplomatique à l’Ambassade d’Espagne à Paris

. Frank Belfrage, Ambassadeur de Suède à Paris

. Domenico Bellantone, Deputy Head of the Unity for Institutional and legal matters of the General Direction for European Integration, Roma

. Jean-François Bernicot, Membre de la Cour des Comptes européenne, Luxembourg

. Arnaud Bertrand, Directeur, Arthur Andersen, Paris

. Franck Biancheri, Directeur des Etudes et de la Stratégie, Europe 2020, Paris

. Hardy Boeckle, Conseiller Affaires Politiques, Responsable des Thèmes européens, Ambassade d’Allemagne à Paris

. Marie-Hélène Caillol, Vice-Présidente en charge des projets, Europe 2020, Paris

. Stelios Christopoulos, Direction Générale Développement, Commission européenne

. Anne-Marie Descôtes, Représentation Permanente de France auprès de l’UE, Bruxelles

. Patrick Donadebian, Coordinateur COCOP, Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères, Paris

. Christelle Dupeyron, Responsable de l’Observatoire Thalys en France

. Eszter Fáy, Press Officer, Delegation of the European Commission to Hungary

. Olivier Ferrand, Conseiller du Premier Ministre, Paris

. Charles Fries, Direction Affaires européennes, Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Paris

. Mme Fronkova, Ambassade de la République Tchèque à Paris

. Lisa Gauthier, Chargée de communication, Coordinatrice Enlargement Research Bulletin, Europe 2020

. Darga Golez, Ambassade de Slovénie à Paris

. Georgeta Grama, Chef de projet EU Student Vote, Paris

. Dr Ulrike Guerot, Head of EU Unit, DGAP, Berlin

. Armelle Guyomarc’h, Mission Europe, Direction des Affaires Internationales, Région Ile de France

. Jean Guyot, Président, Fondation Hippocrène, Paris

. Päivi Hiltunen-Toivio, Directeur élargissement, Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Helsinki

. Marcus Höreth, Research Association, Centre for European Integration Studies (ZEI), Bonn

. Kirsty Hughes, Senior Fellow, Future of Europe and Enlargement, Centre of European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels

. Andras Inotai, President of the Foundation for European Studies, Budapest

. Régis Jamin, Vice-Président Europe, election.com, Paris

. Sigrid Kristenprun, Ambassade d’Estonie à Paris

. Johan Kuenssberg, Ambassade de Grande- Bretagne à Paris

. Philippe Léglise-Costa, Conseiller Europe du Ministre français des Affaires étrangères, Paris

. Pierre Lévy, Directeur Adjoint du Cabinet du Ministre français des Affaires européennes, Paris

. Milos Lexa, Deputy director of the political department of the Office of the President of the Czech Republic, Prague

. Simon Loubris, Cafébabel – Paris

. Jean Mac Donald, Third Secretary, EU Enlargement Section, Department of Foreign Affairs, Dublin

. Dermot Mac Gauran, First Secretary, Irish Embassy in Paris

. Melvin Manchau, Europe 2020

. Florence Mangin, Conseiller technique pour les Affaires européennes, Cabinet du Premier Ministre Français, Paris

. Ana Helena Marques, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lisbon

. Joao Mira Gomes, Deputy Head of the Portuguese Embassy in Paris

. Frank Mollen, Ambassade des Pays-Bas à Paris

. Gabor Nagy, Vice-Président Europe 2020 en charge des projets élargissement, Budapest

. Nathalie Nardi, Observatoire Thalys

. Christophe Nonnenmacher, Semaine de l’Europe, Strasbourg

. Bart Ouvry, Conseiller Affaires européennes, Ambassade de Belgique à Paris

. Päivi Hiltunen-Toivio, Directrice (de l’élargissement), Ministère des affaires étrangères, Helsinki

. Iordanka Partarova, Ambassade de Bulgarie à Paris

. Jean-Christophe Ploquin, Journaliste, Bayard Presse, Paris

. Alan Pratley, Ancien Contrôleur Financier, Commission européenne

. Quentine Reville, Lafarge, Paris

. Michel Soubies, Commission européenne

. Nathalie Thiberge, SEMA, Bruxelles

. Laura Trofin, PhD student / Research-assistant, Institute for Political Science, University of Münster, Germany

. Stalislas Vallo, Ambassade de Slovaquie à Paris

. Goda Izabele Venslauskaite, 2° Secrétaire Affaires Politiques, Ambassade de Lituanie à Paris

. Georgine Willems, Chef de Division, Task Force Elargissement, Comité Economique et Social européen

. Sinan Zeren, Président du Club de Science Politique, Université Galatasaray, Istanbul

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