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Online debate : The post-Covid educational challenge

In partnership with LEAP, Movimento Roosevelt’s second New European Perspectives online debate took place on April 30th  on the topic of “Post-Covid educational challenges”.

The Covid crisis is accelerating the switch to a brand (brave) new world. A huge effort to bring global and European populations to the proper understanding of new realities is a must. Otherwise citizens will be left out in the old world while our state apparels and decision-makers will run full speed into the new one. The only way to fill the 20 year-gap (between policy makers projected 10 years ahead and citizens lagging 10 years behind) lies in EDUCATION. The Europeans must put up a major educational plan to upgrade citizenship to the level that will enable us to invent and implement the new democratic model that it belongs to our continent to produce. We discussed the aims, contents and means of deployment of a really ambitious European educational plan !

Watch the whole debate.

Speakers :

About Marie Hélène

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